

Our team works towards starting and mentoring teams in order to spread robotics and FIRST across Johnston County. This is also to establish a networking system that educates and inspires young students to be a part of STEM. In 2017, our team launched our mentoring program by mentoring 2 FLL teams and assisting an FTC team. Over the past 5 years, we have started 4 FLL teams, mentored 5 FLL teams and 10 FLL Jr. teams, as well as assisting 2 FLL teams. Many of these teams we helped for consecutive years. In 2022, we also financially assisted and began mentoring another FRC team, which we will continue to do throughout the season.

f(x) is committed to our community and helping whenever and wherever we can. Feel free to email us at, if you are interested in learning more about our mentoring opportunities.